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Look, This IKEA Item the Same Way Again

IKEA - It's no secret we love a good IKEA hack, but we'll also be the first to admit that not all are created equally. The best ones are truly simple and (even better) surprising. That's why this genius idea from Kristina Steinmetz, the blogger behind ICH Designer, caught our eye.

You probably only recognize the SULTAN LADE ($10, if you own one of the Swedish retailer's bed frames, since it's usually located underneath a heavy mattress to add support. But instead of hiding this item, which features pieces of pine wood connected by two pieces of cloth, Steinmetz transforms it into a stylish wall hanger with the help of two wall hooks.

After securing to the wall, she uses S-hooks to hang items on the wooden planks. In the kitchen that means pots filled with herbs, a clip board for recipes and a container full of cooking tools. Then, in the bathroom she attaches baskets stuffed with towels and in her office she drapes magazines over the edges — no hooks required. But our favorite idea has to be using this mid-century modern design to hold shoes. How surprisingly chic?